Protective Coatings for Longer Pipeline Life
RAE Energy is a leader in the application of protective coatings of offshore pipelines. We focus on leading innovation and technology to provide advanced service capabilities and field execution to the industry. RAE Energy has a global presence with major offshore operational hubs in North America and South East Asia which are leveraged in serving our global customer base in an optimal manner. For the offshore oil and gas industry, our global offerings are full-scope, inclusive of project management, personnel talent pool and mobilization, equipment management, logistics coordinating, storage, and supplier management.
Coating Materials
Pipe Coatings
We offer a variety of field-joint coating solutions aimed to provide protection from corrosion, cathodic disbondment, mechanical damage, and extreme temperature, as well as provide weight stabilization. We also provide custom coatings at our facility or our customers’ worksite, regardless of location.
Our field-proven coating materials include:
Fusion Bonded Epoxy (FBE)
Liquid Epoxy (LE)
Multi-Component Luquids (MCL) PU, LE
Injection Moulded Polyurethane (IMPU)
Injection Moulded Polypropylene (IMPP)
Polyurethane Foam (PUF)
Heat Shrink Sleeves (HSS) PP, PE, Hybrid
Polypropylene Flame Spray (FSPP)
Polyethylene Flame Spray (FSPE)
Rapid 3LPP WehoCoat (3LPP FJC)
Rapid 3LPE WehoCoat (3LPE FJC)
Calor (3-component high-Temperature Infill)

Markets We Serve
Offshore Oil & Gas Pipelines & Structures
Subsea Flowlines & Risers
We have a deeply rooted background in offshore field development projects in the construction of subsea flowlines and risers for shallow, deep, and ultra deep water installation methods. Whether the pipe specifications require flexible pipe or rigid, carbon steel pipe, or if the product is to be installed via reel-lay, S-lay, or J-lay, our highly experienced coating managers understand the coating processes involved and can provide custom solutions to even the most complex applications and environments.
Tie-In Spools & jumpers
Our offshore expertise also covers flexible and rigid jumper systems with mobile capability on the vessel or onshore at a nearby spoolbase or fabrication yard. Each jumper pipe spool is custom-designed to customer specifications with the flexibility to design changes due to tolerances and pipeline movements discovered during installation.
Export Lines
Export lines, also called pipelines or trunklines, transport production fluids to the shore. Those long spans of offshore pipelines cover several miles of traversing challenging terrains and are subject to external loads from the marine environment because of high hydrostatic pressure, strong current movements, and relatively high internal pressure. Our concrete coating provides a high-quality and cost-effective solution to stabilize trunklines on the seabed and provide mechanical protection against the roughest terrains.
Manifolds & PLET Systems
Typically used in deepwater new construction and tie-back operations, pipeline end manifolds (PLEM) and pipeline end termination (PLET) systems are where a pipeline terminates or needs to be jumpered to another location, such as an FPSO, refinery, holding tank, or similar. The construction and protective coatings of these systems need to be incredibly durable to withstand the harsh, deepwater environments.
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Coating Equipment
Custom & Mobile Equipment Solutions
Since its inception, RAE’s operational equipment strategy has been based around high reliability and minimization of cycle times, coupled with progressive innovation and tailored solutions aimed at specific client requirements. We have continued to invest in our equipment base through a combination of proprietary initiatives complemented with best-in-class, third-party equipment acquisitions. While the significant technological process has already been implemented into our operational asset pool, continued innovation is at the forefront of our strategy, including more enhanced automation of the various production stages.
Spoolbase FJC Equipment
Designed and manufactured in-house, our spoolbase FJC equipment includes the blast booth, prep station, FBE / CMPP / heat booth, SPU top coat booth, and quench booth. With some variation, most of these systems feature fully enclosed housing, Siemens PLC controls, remote access for troubleshooting, and common spare parts. The streamlined and customizable designs enable a wider range of applications, a smaller footprint, and a highly mobile solution.
Offshore Vessel FJC Equipment
Also designed and manufactured in-house, our offshore vessel FJC equipment includes the blast frame and a coating frame for FBE applications. Both systems feature Siemens controls, remote access for troubleshooting, and common spare parts. Our equipment R&D team is capable of offering tailored solutions to customer requirements, enabling highly complex needs to be met.
Pre-Heat Treatment Equipment
Pre-heat treatment is one of the most common requirements for field-joint coating applications during the pipeline construction process.
Induction Coil Heating For Anti-Corrosion Coatings
The Tesi Clamp Coil heating system is composed of inductors (coils) and an induction generator to guarantee uniform heating of the steel pipe. The induction heat coils are qualified during the PQT process prior to onsite delivery.
Infrared Heating of Parent Coating for IMPP or SPU Coatings
Designed to be used in combination with RAE’s IMPP / SPU equipment, our closed-loop infrared heater supplies reliable heating of chamfer and overlap areas to result in a homogenous bond between the parent coating and IMPP or SPU coating.
Chiller Equipment
Chillers are critical in applications such as polyolefin coatings and the quenching of these coating systems. RAE provides chillers for rapid cooling at consistent and controllable water temperatures. The chiller equipment is staged in custom-built crash frames for protection and portability. Additionally, the system is quick and easy to set up onsite.
Technology Innovation
RAE Edge
Data Logging & Remote Access To Equipment
Alongside, the physical equipment developments, we have recognized the importance of performance monitoring, data capture, logging, and automatic reporting of equipment used to provide real-time data.
RAE EDGE is a system that utilizes smart technology to capture and transmit data in real-time with cloud-based, customized data acquisition and analytics software.
EDGE seamlessly provides real-time data in the following primary areas:
Maintenance and Logistics