Field-Joint Coating Materials

Flame Spray (FSPP, FSPE)

Flame Spray (FS) coatings are used on a variety of products, such as:

  • tie-ins,

  • onshore and offshore pipelines operating at moderate temperatures,

  • joints and/or custom pieces (bends, tees, reducers, flanges, buckle arrestors, fittings, etc., and items whose shapes are difficult to coat)

Flame Sprays are easy to apply and are mainly used as a “gap filler” to assist the pipe during offshore lay barge operations to pass the pipe over moving rollers.


Polypropylene Flame Spray (FSPP)

FSPP provides mechanical and corrosion protection and is a key barrier in high-heat operating temperatures (e.g., temperatures over 80 degrees C). FSPP protects the pipeline during transport and installation; the thicker the FSPP is applied, the stronger the protection against mechanical, chemical, and abrasive elements.

Polyethylene Flame Spray (FSPE)

FSPE provides the same mechanical and corrosion protection benefits as FSPP, except its use is ideal in moderate operating temperatures (with a maximum of 80 degrees C).

Flame Spray Equipment

Flame spraying is a thermal spray coating process that produces high-quality surface coatings using heat from the combustion of a fuel gas with oxygen to melt a spray coating material propelled onto a substrate. More details on our Flame Spray equipment can be found under the Manual Equipment section on our FJC Equipment page.


Heat Shrink Sleeves (HSS)


Rapid Wehocoat