Field-Joint Coating Materials

Multi-Component Liquids (MCL) PU, LE

Multi-Component Liquids (MCL) are epoxy and/or polyurethane-based products used to protect field joints, valves, bends, etc. There are various techniques for applying MCLs; in most cases, it is manually applied by one of our highly skilled coating technicians.

MCL Equipment

RAE’s Manual Coating services are used for coatings such as MCL. MCL is applied via a manual or automated spray system, either polyurethane MCL or liquid-applied epoxy MCL coatings. RAE has extensive experience with these manual coating processes at a spoolbase or aboard a pipelay vessel. MCL coatings can also be applied via an automated system for higher productivity.


Liquid Epoxy (LE)


Injection Moulded Polyurethane (IMPU)